Tauroxus WIP

Tauroxus is a Zodiac Keeture created by combining the Chinese zodiac "ox" and the Western zodiac "taurus". Original character design combined with hand crafted lettering showcases a Tauroxus' personality - "A leader taking charge".

Ox: 2009, 1997, 1985, 1973, 1961
Taurus: April 20 - May 20

Here are the sketches for Tauroxus and the typography that goes with it.

tauroxus sketches 1

tauroxus sketches 2

tauroxus marker test

tauroxus and dates - april 1997 sketches 1

tauroxus and dates - april 1997 sketches 2

tauroxus and dates - may 1985 sketches 1

tauroxus and dates - may 1985 sketches 2

tauroxus and text sketches 1

tauroxus and text sketches 2

tauroxus and text sketches 3

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